Archive for the ‘ General ’ Category

IV. The Flawed Cycle

I have always tried to live by the simple, golden rule. Sure it’s cliche, but it works. Be nice, be courteous and, most importantly, be considerate and most of the time people will do the same. I’ve always believed that you get what you give. The love you make is equal to the love you take (Beatles). With most all of my close friends this has been the case. But it seems to me that in the past year or so the female gender seems to be exempt from this “rule.” I suppose you can’t force yourself to have feelings for someone. No matter how much affection they show you, how many adventures you go on or how many songs they write about you. And I suppose it’s partly my fault for trying to hang on. Trying to drive a car with no fuel. And it would be so much easier to cope with if this were a singular experience. But three times?! That’s just shitty.

Bad luck and worse timing have been the theme lately. I keep faith that something will work out soon enough. Everyone’s advice is to stop looking for love and it will find you. I wish that were also true for money and gigs.

III. Singing At Sea

Let’s say, for argument’s sake, that we humans one day finally figure out what all of this means. I don’t mean in a religious sense, I mean if and when we finally figure out the laws of the universe. The laws of time and space. Energy and radiation. Light and darkness. Matter and antimatter. All of these mysterious things that are proven to exist yet we know so little about. Even then, with all of that knowledge and means of obtaining more, will we ever truly understand the immense intricacies of the heart and mind in terms of love? And if we ever truly understand time, will we ever know for sure if something or someone is worth waiting for?

This is something I’ve had the unfortunate opportunity to ponder a few times this past several months. I find someone who I am able to open up to. Someone who eases the anxieties and depression. Only to find out that for whatever reason, they are not ready. Usually stemming from ex-boyfriend issues. Thank you, douche bags. Thank you. I don’t want to be specific because my issue is not with a certain girl. It’s with the battle within myself. The never ending struggle between walking away as to not set myself up for almost certain disappointment, or to wait it out with the hope of almost certain happiness. I believe it is that prospect of happiness, as dim as it may be, that forces myself to go through with the waiting game. Which is absurd in a way because I’m not even sure if I’m happy with myself. Who’s to say I can ever be happy with someone else? Quite the mind fuck.

In any case, I can’t imagine I will ever give up on love and the pursuit of it. I have felt it before in small doses and it’s incredible. Something well worth fighting for.

II. Speak The Fuck Up!


As humans it is our easiest and most basic form of communication (aside from grunts and gestures, I suppose). Those among us who do it best rise to become presidents, dictators and leaders of movements. A cerebral connection that cannot be easily explained but surely felt. Sometimes real, sometimes based on false promises, centuries old racism or, more frequently, spiritual insecurities. Whatever the case, the simple act of talking has done everything from sparking new friendships to setting in motion the crippling of civilizations. A learned ability that, barring some sort of unfortunate disability, everyone on Earth possesses. Now, if talking is so vital, so important, so easy, so innate; why the fuck is it so hard for me to do?!

I consider my lack/absence of communication skills to be an ever-increasing problem. A problem that has affected me most in past year or so more than any other time in my life. Perhaps it’s like so many other things that have been there all along and I’m just now catching up to the reality (needless to say, I’m a late bloomer in many respects). I consider it a problem because it has affected others which has, in turn, affected me. When someone I am close to isn’t getting any verbal feedback or response from me, I can imagine it’s very hard to gauge how I’m feeling or if I care about what they’re telling me or showing me. It’s so easy to recognize these things in retrospect but there, in the moment, I am seemingly oblivious to what others find so obvious. That is possibly the saddest part.

But like all other things, there are exceptions. This is where my hope lies. I have been lucky enough to meet a handful of people with whom I have no subconscious reservations about making small talk, sharing things and having actual conversations. What makes these few people different? I wish I knew. It’s all about chemistry and connection. It comes before having things in common. It comes even before attraction. It’s almost spiritual. One person’s internal energy finding another to be on the same level, on the same wave. It’s science. It’s magnetism. Yet it’s something that no test could ever conclude and no experiment could ever expose.

As an Atheist it’s odd for me to say, but it’s this unexplainable feeling that I take the most comfort in.

I. Preface

Hello, there.

As I’m sitting here in my slightly chilly office, reading my friend’s various blogs, I cannot find even one compelling reason why I should start my own. So I am and here it is. With that said, I cannot guarantee any enjoyable, interesting or provocative reading. So what if blogs are so 2006? I am (very) slowly becoming a casual reader and I’m hoping this endeavor will encourage me to do more. Perhaps even aide me in my songwriting. Never hurts to try and put down ideas and dedicate yourself to something. My life tends to revolve around music, cars, food and girls so I’ll be hitting those subjects almost exclusively.